21 Days to Mindful Living

A 21-day meditation course for busy people who want to bring the benefits of stillness and mindfulness into their lives.

A lot of us lead very busy lives and don't have an hour a day to devote to meditation. I have created this course so that you can achieve the benefits of meditation and mindfulness in just 15 minutes a day.

21-Day Meditation Course: Abundance, Love, and Gratitude

Each day has a different meditation. Week one focuses on gratitude, week two on love and week three on abundance. Each day has two journal prompts to help you go deeper and reinforce that days meditation.

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Why Take This Course?!

After seeing the value of meditation in my own life I wanted to share it with others. It has helped me through some very difficult times, coming to terms with childhood abuse, leaving a lifelong close-knit religious community and separation and divorce after 34 years of marriage.

On the toughest days, finding a few minutes of stillness and inner peace is a lifeline.

I also know that for something to be of benefit, it has to be done regularly. So I created this 21-day course that is simple to follow and is an effective way to get started on a regular meditation practice in just a few minutes a day.